Project Overview
LPCW Restoration Phase 4 lead the MNNRD into the current holistic LPCW planning efforts. Through the WQMP, several sites on Sand Draw Creek were established and identified downstream of the OHWY7 Box Culvert. That box culvert was productive, stable, and in place. Due to OHWY7 being compromised and washed away in September 2019, the MNNRD pursued stream degradation issues that have risen upstream of the OHWY7 site. In the mile stretch upstream from OHWY7 to county road 430, several headcuts have formed.
The LPCW Restoration Phase 4 project builds upon the successful implementation of the SD14 project as well as the LPCW Restoration Phase 3 project including landowner relationships developed in Phase I and II.
Nebraska Environmental Trust (NET), Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE) Section 319, and project sponsor monies were used to implement the LPCW Phase 4 Project. This project consists of a rock riffle structure to address stream instability, head cutting, scouring, erosion, excess sedimentation, aquatic habitat loss, and streambank degradation.
Construction Overview
Contractor: Husker Engineering INC.
A pre-construction meeting was held the beginning of April 2023, with the landowner, Husker Engineering, Houston Engineering, and MNNRD.
Rock riprap hauling began shortly after the pre-construction meeting was held, followed by dirt work, and construction/implementation of the Phase 4 project. Final walkthrough was held on May 20th, 2023, with Houston Engineering, Husker Engineering, and MNNRD.
Project detail: Access route to/from the project site, rock riffle structure, and bank stabilization.