Middle Niobrara NRD
Notice of Public Hearing, June 13th, 2022
The Middle Niobrara Natural Resources District (MNNRD) hereby provide notice that the MNNRD shall hold a public hearing on June 13th, at 10:30 a.m. at the MNNRD Office, 303 East HWY 20, Valentine, Nebraska. The purpose of the hearing is to take testimony on the proposed changes to the Rules and Regulations of the MNNRD. A general description of the proposed rule changes are as follows: 1.) Updates to the glossary of terms 2.) Changes to the current moratorium on new or expanded ground water irrigated acres. 3.) Removal of expired or irrelevant verbiage 4.) Modify groundwater transfer regulations 5.) Changes to controls in the Groundwater Quality Management Areas 3 & 4. 6.) Statement of Intent for groundwater quantity controls. 7.) Addition of regulations regarding new certified irrigated acre development 8.) Addition of regulations relating to chemigation 9.) Changes to regulations for variance and staff authority. 10.) Modify rule enforcement provisions.
Any interested person may appear at the hearing and present written or oral testimony concerning the proposal. Individuals with disabilities may request auxiliary aids and service necessary for participation by contacting the MNNRD By June 10th, 2022. Testimony or other evidence relevant to the purposes of the hearing may also be submitted in writing to the Middle Niobrara NRD, 303 East HWY 20, Valentine, NE 69201. The full text of the proposed changes may be obtained via the MNNRD’s website at www.mnnrd.org (See Below) , at the MNNRD office - 303 East HWY 20, Valentine, NE or by telephone at (402) 376-3241. During the June 13th board meeting, the MNNRD Board of Directors will vote to approve or deny the proposed modifications.
MNNRD Public Hearing Agenda June 13th, 2022.pdf
MNNRD Proposed Regulation Changes 2022.pdf
MNNRD Rules and Regulations 2022.pdf