Since 2015, the MNNRD has seen upwards of 7-10” above average yearly precipitation resulting in ground water levels rising on an average of 5.7 feet district wide. Individual monitoring wells have increased as much as 14.5 feet over this 5-year time frame. Due to these increases, windbreaks within the MNNRD are drowning because of standing water and saturated soils. Dead windbreaks are easy to find as one drives through the MNNRD. Estimates range from 20-30% of established windbreaks being impacted by high water tables.
The MNNRD has applied for a grant to receive cost share funding to assist landowners who have lost windbreaks from excess water, which if awarded, will be available for spring 2021 planting. If you are a landowner who has lost all or portions of windbreaks due to high water, you are encouraged to call the MNNRD office to get placed on a list for potential cost share assistance in replacing these drowned windbreaks and receive more information on the program at 402-376-3241.